Sunday, August 12, 2007

Where Your Treasure Is... ~ by Ronnie Archer

"For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be."

Again, this week, we hear what our priorities should be...

The Wisdom (18: 6-9) reading tells of the faith of the Israelites at the time of the Exodus. In the 2nd reading from Hebrews (11: 1-2, 8-12), we hear again how faithful Abraham was, and how he trusted and obeyed when God called him to another land; as was Sarah, in trusting, obeying and following God's call as well.

The Gospel of Luke (12: 32-48) emphasizes the Kingdom of God. The goal of all of humankind is the Kingdom of God, where there is no weeping and no suffering. The goal is achieved by changing ourselves. When we change ourselves, we change society. If there is no change, and no desire to change, there is no growth. Whatever God calls us to be; we should strive to be the best that we can be.

God wants us to not be afraid and to trust in Him. When God gives TO us; He expects something FROM us. He wants us to use what He is giving us to build His Kingdom and bring souls to salvation.

The human standard of judgement is external. Each time we receive the Eucharist, we should ask ourselves, do we ever catch God? God never looks externally. His standard of judgement is internal. God always looks at the heart.

We hear these readings repeatedly, so that we can stand firm. Our faith needs to be constantly strengthened and nourished. Seek and find the Kingdom of God in our midst. The moment Christ came to earth, the Kingdom was here.

We must be alert and prepared at our MASTER'S coming!



At August 16, 2007 at 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How appropriate! Standing firm in the faith...the human standard of judgment is external..whatever God calls us to be, we should strive to be the best that we can be. Are these not the perfect descriptions of the St. Elizabeth family?!

Sometimes miracles do happen!

At August 18, 2007 at 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for commenting, Diane, yes, we have had to stand very firm in our faith.


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