Sunday, November 25, 2007

How Do We Look At The King ~ by Ronnie Archer

There has always been a longing in the hearts of people to have a king - someone to direct and to protect, but as we hear in today's Gospel of Luke, there is only ONE TRUE KING; and that is Jesus Christ.

The Church year ended today, with the Gospel of Luke 23, with Jesus on the cross between the two thieves and the soldiers jeering, telling Him, "if you are King of the Jews, save yourself." Hanging above His head was the inscription that read: "This is the King of the Jews."

By having that inscription hung on the cross, Pilate, without knowing it, became the first "preacher" of CHRIST THE KING. The "good" thief was the first one to accept that news, because he humbled himself and acknowledged himself as a sinner, and asked Jesus to "remember me when You come into Your kingdom."

Christ's weapon was His blood; and through His blood, He destroyed death. HE won the Kingdom through His death on the cross. We sometimes come to Him with all of our pride. He is a King, who welcomes the humble.

Christ elevated us all. We all have the privilege to be children of God; the maximum elevation is in and through Jesus Christ.

The "good" thief looked at Jesus as the true King; Pilate looked at Him as a criminal. How do we look at the King?

If we are not loving and serving one another, we are not in His Kingdom.

~ 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ The Feast of Christ the King ~



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