Sunday, April 13, 2008

God Calls ~ What Will Your Answer Be? ~ by Mary Ann Allen

The church was called to prayer this morning as Fr. Andrew spoke of our parish's great need for the services of a permanent deacon. This man would be called forth from among our own people for service in our parish.

The permanent deacon is usually a married man who, after a period of study and training, is ordained to the permanent diaconate and serves in his parish community. He may officiate at marriages, conduct funeral and burial services, baptize, bring Viaticum to the dying, may read the Gospel and preach the Word and perform other services in the parish.

There are several married men in our parish who have the qualifications necessary to lead our parish and support our people as ordained permanent deacons. We ask these men to prayerfully consider this vocation of service to our community. Please speak with Fr. Andrew if you have any questions about this vocation.

Let us all begin today to earnestly pray, keeping a fervent trust in God that He will supply our parish's every need; that He will not abandon us but will raise up one of our own to be our deacon.

To the men of our parish: Listen for God's call in your life. Remember these verses from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah: "...I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send and who will go for us!'" Perhaps you will be able to answer as Isaiah did: "Here I am, Lord. Send me!"



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