Sunday, July 06, 2008

The God of the Unexpected ~ by Mary Ann Allen

We gather each week, to be fed not only by the Body and Blood of Christ, but also to be enriched through the Word of God. Today's Word teaches us about humility and God's Kingdom.

"Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest." This is the invitation given to us by Jesus in today's Gospel to become members of His Kingdom. But what kind of kingdom is this?

For centuries, the people of Israel had built up in their minds, a vision of a mighty kingdom whose head would be a glorious King who would defeat their enemies and establish them as a powerful nation. Little did they realize that God had other plans. Instead of pomp and glory, this king would arrive in humility. God had planned the Kingdom not for the wise, but for those who would be as little children. God is truly a God of the unexpected.

Jesus uses Himself as an example of how we can further His Kingdom. He invites us to take up His yoke so that we can walk in the direction He wants us to go. Our path in this earthly life may be burdensome but with a humble and trusting heart, we can become the "little children" God's Kingdom was designed for.

By leading a humble life, we come to understand ourselves so that we can allow God to show us His way. The person who refuses to discover who they really are is like someone who sees a mountain ahead and doesn't know how to climb it. They don't realize that the mountain is their pride, which keeps them from giving up the pursuit of the things of this world.

The person who allows God to direct them is able to free themselves of worldly attachments. This emptying of themselves creates the dwelling place in their heart, mind and soul where Christ can live.

~ Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~



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