Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Covenant written on our Hearts ~ by Mary Threadgill

In the first reading, the Lord tells Jeremiah that he will make a new covenant ; one which will not be broken, unlike the previous covenant which was broken by the people of Israel even as He led them out of Egypt.

This new covenant will have His new laws which will be placed upon their hearts and not on stone. This new covenant commands us to love one another as He loves us. He will give us a clean heart and will remember our sins no more.

One can see Jesus giving His people a second chance to do His will and have life everlasting.

In the second reading, the writer of Hebrews tells us that "When Jesus was in the flesh He offered prayers with loud cries and tears to His Father in Heaven who could save Him from death. His prayers and cries were heard because of his reverence..." We have all offered prayers with cries and tears to our Father in Heaven to save us from the many trials we have in our lives; and like Jesus, the Lord has answered our prayers because of our Faith.

Finally in the Gospel reading, Jesus tells Andrew and Philip that the hour had come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Using the example of a grain of wheat which falls to the ground and dies; and then produces food for our body, Jesus is telling us that like this grain of wheat, He will also die and then rise again to live in us and become nourishment for our souls.

His second example "whoever loves his life loses it," may be a warning that the great pleasures in the world and evil ways will lead to a sin-filled life; thus, losing our way. But one who hates his life - trying always to walk in God's path, resisting life's temptations and doing His Will will lead us to eternal life.

Jesus also acknowledges that He was troubled about His impending death and questions if He should ask His Father to save Him from His hour. But then, He realizes this is why He came.

In times of overwhelming trials and grief, we are "troubled" and some of us have asked our Father, "Why me?" Then, at some point, we look to Him, our Savior, for strength and guidance. Through faith, we know He will bring us through.

~ Fifth Sunday of Lent ~

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