Sunday, May 31, 2009

"If We Live In The Spirit, Let Us Also Follow The Spirit" ~ by Ronnie Archer

Today, we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost, meaning fifty days after Easter. The readings today all tell about the HOLY SPIRIT, which is the ADVOCATE that proceeds from the Father and the Son, that Jesus had promised when He ascended into Heaven.

In Reading 1, Acts 2:1-11, tells us how the Holy Spirit acts upon the apostles; as tongues of fire, which parted, coming to rest on each one of them... preparing them to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. Devout Jews from every nation were staying in Jerusalem. They gathered in a large crowd, but were confused and amazed because each one heard them speaking in his own language. There were some who thought they had too much wine. Peter raised his voice, telling them that it was prophesied that "God's Spirit would be poured upon all flesh."

The second reading from Galatians gives us clear spiritual advice... which is not what those who live in the flesh would want to hear. The flesh and the Spirit are opposed to each other. Among the sins of the flesh are: immorality, impurity, lust, idolatry, hatred, rivalry, jealousy, selfishness and others. If we live in the Spirit, we will have the gifts of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

In the Gospel of John 15:26-27; 16:12-15, we again hear about the "Advocate, the Spirit of truth who comes from the Father." John's Gospel tells us that the Spirit of truth will guide us to all truth. He will speak what he hears from the Father and declare it to us.

The Holy Spirit was not only sent for the apostles and early Christians, but for all of us today. We all need the gifts of the Holy Spirit to do whatever we have to do in life.

Do we really follow the church and Jesus Christ? If we are living in the sins of the flesh, then we are living without the Holy Spirit.

Every human has a chance to be transformed. We have to come together. God loves unity and humility. God responds to a person who is humble. We have to pray, and we have to have motivation. We all should examine ourselves, asking ourselves, do we have a longing to be one family in OUR church? Do people experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit in this church? If there is ONE person who is NOT desiring or open to the Holy Spirit, that is enough to keep the Spirit away.

Everyday is a challenge to keep the Holy Spirit living within us. It is OUR responsibility to go and proclaim, to plant a seed of love.

What seed do we really plant? We're encouraged to develop our spiritual gifts for the benefit of ourselves and our community. We really NEED to fulfill this obligation.

Let each of us ask the Lord to fill us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit as Christ desired.


~ Pentecost ~

Graphic from Thomas

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