Sunday, August 16, 2009

Eternal Life Giving Food And Drink ~ by Ronnie Archer

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

For the past few weeks, we have been hearing about the "FOOD" from heaven. This Sunday's Wisdom reading speaks about the invitations and preparations for a meal. Wisdom offers the food of eternal life, but foolishness offers "food" which leads to death.

The second reading of Paul to Ephesus, also warns us about how to live "not as foolish persons, but wise, making the most of the opportunity, because the days are evil."

Today's Gospel from John, continues the theme of life giving food and drink. The crowd is still quarreling, saying "how can this man give us his flesh to eat?" Jesus told them that "unless you eat of the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you do not have life within you."

We have a choice to make... to be wise or to be foolish. True wisdom knows that Jesus was sent by God and that Jesus IS the bread of life. If we choose the folly of this world over Jesus... it will lead to ruin and death.

It was hard for the crowd to accept what Christ had said to them... to eat of His flesh and to drink of His blood; because they were not open to God's will. We have to first be aware... to make the right choice; then to discern the will of God. Finally, we have to give thanks at all times for everything. We cannot approach God with pre-conceived notions.

What are WE looking for? Immediate happiness that will eventually fade away, or eternal happiness?

So many today are living in ignorance, not realizing what wisdom is. They think that it means to live the ways of the world. It means that priorities are where the world places them...concentrating on the luxuries of the world, money, power and other things that, in the eyes of God, are wrong, but continuing anyway because so many others are.

True Wisdom is to live in faith in Jesus Christ, following Him and His ways. When we partake of the Eucharist, Jesus is continuing His presence with us in His Body and Blood.

The Assumption of Mary is a perfect example of how God rewards... Mary gave God a dwelling place in the human Jesus and God rewarded her with a place in heaven!

Let's not live our lives in foolishness, but in wisdom and remembering that God is calling us to receive Him.


~ Graphics by Hermano Leon Clipart ~

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