Saturday, August 08, 2009

First Annual St. Elizabeth's Jazz and Food Festival

If you had driven by Second Avenue and Fourqurean Lane last Saturday afternoon, August 1st, you would have seen a party in progress. If you had parked your car and strolled into St. Elizabeth's Park, you would have been assailed by the mouthwatering smells of fried fish, barbecue, hot dogs, and all the other aromas that sent you right to the line of people assembled to taste some of the goodies that had been and were being prepared by the parishioners of St. Elizabeth's.

And that's not all! There was LIVE MUSIC!!! JAZZ MUSIC!!! All from a variety of groups who played for our entertainment. It was wonderful! Very fine...

There was more! Plenty of fun for the children in the neighborhood too! Kids were tumbling all around the Moonwalk and there were lots of craft and game activities for them too.

There were tables set up where people could get health and legal information and other handouts, as well as tables full of books, collectibles and religious items that people could purchase.

Despite rain earlier in the week, Saturday was hot with lots of sunshine and even some breeze to cool us off. The water concession and the snow cone machine stayed busy all afternoon.

The festival was a big success! We learned a lot and you can be certain that next year's Jazz and Food Festival will be better than ever!

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