Sunday, October 25, 2009

"What Do You Want From Jesus?" ~ by Ronnie Archer

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the first reading this Sunday, from Jeremiah, the people who remained faithful and escaped the sword had been sustained by God. There was hope in the midst of darkness... the Promise of a return was being fulfilled. What awaited them upon their return was the simplest of gifts needed to survive... "brooks of water on a level road, so that none would stumble"... because He is the loving Father who would care for them.

In the Hebrews reading, we hear how Jesus can identify with us humans in all things, except sin. He is willing to intercede for us, because He understands our weaknesses. He did not give that honor to Himself, but God, Who sent Him.

We hear in the Gospel of Mark how faithful and humble the blind man, Bartimaeus, was. How, Jesus, when leaving Jericho, heard his cry even though others were trying to silence him. But Bartimaeus persisted and was given sight and insight.

Each time we celebrate the Eucharist, it is Passover. Jesus passes over and all around us. Do we see Him? Do we recognize God as He passes us? When we open our ears and listen, God opens our eyes!

Those in the crowd were trying to throw a curse at Bartimaeus, but Jesus wanted to give him a blessing. Jericho was a wealthy place, but Bartimaeus did not need the wealth; nor would it help him. He needed the presence of Christ.

No matter how much the crowd tried to quiet him, Bartimaeus displayed great faith, humility and persistence for what he wanted from Jesus. He was someone who wanted something so badly that he was humble enough to continue to cry out to Jesus.

How many times are we a blessing to those around us? We need to keep our ears open in order to be a blessing in someone's life.

We should realize just how much God loves us as a Father, and wants us to share in His life.

"Jesus, Son of David, have pity on us all!"

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