Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Redemption ~ by Lula Lamb

First Sunday of Advent:

Advent this year is about Redemption. This past Sunday, the homily was about tribulation. We all have tribulations and we need to pray for strength.

It comes in all forms: health, marriage, mortgage and family, oppression, discrimination... Know your battles and pray. You have a direct link to God through prayer. Remain strong and victory will be ours. Don't let anyone destroy your self confidence or weaken you. The Lord is attentive to our cries. He will wipe our tears.

The Lord Jesus gives us the gift of hope; the supernatural strength and perseverance to remain steadfast and confident in God's promise.

What can we confidently expect from God? He promises us the hope of heaven, everlasting life, peace and joy with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The anticipation of His final judgment is a sign of hope for all who trust in Him.

We are grateful to Fr. Peter for his presence with us this week.

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