Monday, March 29, 2010

On the Journey With Jesus ~ by Ronnie Archer

Palm Sunday

Here we are again... blessed with another Palm Sunday, to begin the most powerful and Holy Week of the year. Once more we are encouraged and invited to join and stand with Jesus on the journey.

In the Isaiah reading, because of the people's complaint about God's "abandonment," the prophet tells them that God has NOT abandoned them, but that their sins were responsible for their plight.

St. Paul's reading to the Philippians emphasizes the humility of Jesus Christ. "Though He was in the form of God, He did not deem equality with God, but assuming the role of servant," He presented Himself simply as a man. He took on the face that no one else wanted to take on.

In the Gospel of St. Luke, we hear how Jesus was "eager to eat the Passover meal with the disciples before His suffering." The disciples followed Jesus up to the Mount of Olives where He prayed. Even though He was Divine, He still was human, feeling human emotions, so when He went to the Mount, He asked God if HE was willing, to "remove the cup from Him"...but still being obedient, He told the Father, "Your Will, not Mine."

There were three times in the Gospel where Jesus' innocence was referred to, yet He was still persecuted and crucified. He was crucified by confused people who just did not understand.

The Word is still being fulfilled today. Innocent people are still being "persecuted and crucified" with some others standing by and not standing up with them!

Where do we stand in the story of Jesus' Passion? Are we allowing a "crucifixion" to take place and we do nothing?

Are we "standing" with the "crowd" who yells "crucify Him" by any of our sinful actions? Are we ignoring Jesus' command to love and forgive others? Jesus forgave before His actual crucifixion, by healing the cut off ear of the high priest's servant right before they arrested Him. Also prior to, and up until His death, Jesus forgave. He asked God to "forgive them because they knew not what they were doing."

Would we run away in fear, denying that we "know" Jesus, as Peter did? Or would we stay at the foot of His cross, as the women of Jerusalem and others did?

Where would we want to be? Where would we actually be? Would our fears prevent us from staying and standing with Jesus?

Do we pray for, and offer an encouraging word to someone who might really need it? Are we still crucifying Jesus when we fail to recognize the many chances in our own lives that we have to "stand with" Jesus?

We all need to examine ourselves and ask God for help to stay close to the cross of Jesus, standing with Him every day in whatever way the opportunity presents itself for us to do testimony to our love and devotion for Him.

Out of love for us, Jesus chose to die so that all of us might have a chance to live! Think about it!

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