Sunday, May 02, 2010

Love One Another ~ by Ronnie Archer

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Jesus gave us all a new commandment, which is to "love one another."  That is a challenge for us all, but "love" is what we must do!

After the "chosen" people had rejected the Word, Paul and Barnabas travelled from city to city, inspiring and converting the Gentiles.  This was quite a feat for them to achieve, considering the dangers and difficulties they faced in traveling, and the animosity of some of the people towards them.

Paul reminds us that we will "endure hardships" on the journey to the kingdom of God.

The Revelations reading tells how John saw a "new heaven and a new earth."  We hear that "God's dwelling is with the human race"... and that God Himself, will be with us always.  There will be no more tears, death, mourning, wailing or pain, for the old order has passed away.

In today's Gospel, Jesus gives us a new commandment... to love one another, as He has loved us.

To listen to this Sunday's reading on love... and then to hear today that in certain parts of our world even young innocent children are being persecuted and oppressed because of their Christian faith... is extremely tough to handle and even tougher to feel "love" for their perpetrators.  It's much easier to feel disdain!

We all know how hard it is to love someone who we might feel is unlovable; especially someone who has hurt us, or someone that we know and love.  That is the type of "challenge" we'd rather not have...but God is LOVE, and He loves us all, even those who persecute others, and if we love Him, then we must ask for His strength to overcome our own human feelings and perceptions to forgive, and love and care about each other.

Jesus reflects the Father's Glory, and the love of Jesus is glorified in our love that we show for each other.  If we cannot love, then nothing else matters to God.

I pray for strength that we may be able to forgive those who we don't feel like loving, and to be able to share our faith and love with all.

We should not lose courage or hope, because Jesus accompanies us on this journey!

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