Monday, December 13, 2010

Gaudete Sunday - - (Rejoice!) ~ by Ronnie Archer

Is 35:1-6a, 10
Ps 146:6-10
Jas 5:7-10
Mt 11:2-11

A reflection on the Sunday Readings

As a much younger person, attending Mass in our old St. Joseph's Parish for the first four decades of my life, I vividly recall hearing the priest announce on the Third Sunday of Advent... that "This is Gaudete Sunday"... I never knew what the word "Gaudete" meant. If I ever heard the explanation, I must NOT have been in a place in my life at that time to receive and understand. It wasn't until becoming a member of St. Elizabeth's in the '70's that I learned that Gaudete is Latin for "Rejoice."

Before today's reading, Isaiah Chapter 34, gives the account of "The abomination of Edom" and God's anger with ALL of the nations. (v 2) Then in today's Isaiah, Chapter 35, we hear of "Israel's Deliverance", that God's blessings will come upon the righteous.

Dry land will flourish, the hands of the feeble will become firm, the eyes of the blind will be opened, the lame will leap like a stag. "Those whom the Lord has ransomed will return and enter Zion singing, crowned with everlasting joy; they will meet with joy and gladness, sorrow and mourning will flee." (vs 1-10)... all a cause to rejoice because of God's love and mercy for His people, by sending us Jesus.

The psalm also continues to speak of these blessings. James' reading tells us to be patient until the coming of the Lord, reminding us to make our hearts firm, and not complaining.

In Matthew's Gospel, we hear about John the Baptist, who was imprisoned for the principles that he stood for. John was the baby who "leaped for joy" in his mother Elizabeth's womb, when Mary visited her with the good news about Jesus.

People had come to hear John the Baptist preach long before Jesus' public ministry began; he had baptized Jesus. But John the Baptist was joyful and humble. He knew WHO Jesus was and he had no resentment that Jesus was the Messiah.

On this third Sunday, we have reached a halfway point in our Advent journey. We have been in a "penitent" mode, preparing, exercising patience and being hopeful people, so the Church takes this third Sunday to "lighten the mood" a bit and be joyful!

We, our families and our world struggle with uncertainties of life, but we can rejoice at the good news of the coming of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. We pray to continue to be vigilant, preparing for His return, because we don't know when He will come for us.

Satan is always on the prowl, but we cannot allow him to be an obstacle to us reaching the place where we want to and should be... so we have to be prepared to defeat Satan.

Jesus' coming will not be as the human power that some expected. He will not rule by force, but by the power of love. He expects us to live by the example He left us... by loving and caring for those who are less fortunate than we are.


Clip art from Hermano Leon and Two Hearts Design

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