Monday, February 07, 2011

Reflection for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ by Barbara Williford

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Is 58:7-10
Ps 112:4-5, 6-7, 8-9
1 Cor 2:1-5
Mt 5:13-16

Our enthusiastic homily today focused on Jesus' call for us to be LIGHT. A light for the world to see.

Pre-Vatican II, when the Latin language was used to say the Mass, the final prayer words were: "Ite Missa est". This is now translated into "Go, the Mass is ended". And we responded, "Thanks be to God".

Father suggested the Latin could be translated into "Go - Now - is the Mission". He was telling us that we had been fed at the table, heard the words of good news and all of the challenges the readings present to us; so our task is to go out and do the Mission of the Church. Each of us is called to be a missionary.

Like salt, we cannot lose our flavor. We cannot be hidden under a basket. We must be a light to others. Remember, the needy may not need our money; they may need our LOVE - the Love of God in us. God's Love is given to us to share with the world. We have been saved. "Thanks Be To God, Amen!"

~ Image by Hermano Leon Clipart

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