Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Following the Way ~ by Phyllis Booth

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Acts 6:1-7
Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19 (22)
1 Peter 2:4-9
John 14:1-12

The first reading depicts the disciples preaching the Word of God and the numbers accepting the Faith increasing greatly. The Hellenists complained about the daily distribution because their widows were being neglected. The twelve apostles met immediately and presented a plan that the community accepted. This plan saved the community because the twelve turned to the Advocate in prayer asking for guidance and wisdom. This same Advocate is with us today, hoping we'll remember that Jesus said that he was sending the Advocate to be with us and that we needed to seek him as we grow spiritually.

The second reading reminds us that we rejected the One God sent as a living stone to open the path to a spiritual life. Our rejection was redeemed by Peter when Jesus designated him to be the Rock. That Rock became the cornerstone of our faith. A cornerstone is the foundation of a building. The Rock Peter accepted became the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church has a firm foundation because the Faith preached twenty centuries ago still stands through persecution, religious storms and all the evils of society. The Catholic Church still exists. It exists because Jesus remains our Spiritual Cornerstone.

The Gospel reading from the 14th chapter of John depicts Jesus as the Good Shepherd, preparing the apostles to accept His going to be with the Father. He says: "Do not let your hearts be troubled... I am going to prepare a place for you... I will come back again and take you to myself." These words sparked fear in the hearts of the apostles.

Fear of the unknown is one of our human conditions. The apostles had lived through the sadness of losing Jesus for three days and now the joy of having, loving and knowing Him was being upset. Jesus wanted to alleviate or heal their fear by telling them He was going away for a while. Fear is a great emotion and being human, the apostles' reaction showed they did not comprehend what Jesus meant or wanted.

Jesus wanted the apostles to believe in God and to believe in Him without questions... with blind faith. This blind faith is expected of us today. We haven't seen Jesus or God. Jesus said that those are great who believe and haven't seen Him... "Where I am going there are many mansions... I shall prepare a place for you..." Just trust in His words, the words of His Father. "I am the way and the truth and the life."

If we truly accept Jesus' words, we will not worry, be fearful, angry, sad or unhappy. Jesus' way of life is our destination. Jesus' words are truth, and Jesus is life, mercy and love. We are people of faith and we know where we are going. Our reward is eternal life with Jesus and His Father and the Holy Spirit.

~ Image by Ain Vares

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