Friday, January 06, 2012

Surrendering our lives to God ~ Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God

Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God

Nm 6:22-27
Ps 67:2-3,5,6,8 (2a)
Gal 4:4-7
Lk 2:16-21

As we reflect on this feast dedicated to Mary the Mother of God, we consider the importance of her place in the history of salvation. In order for God's plan to unfold, Mary had to say "Yes". Because of her willingness to become a servant of the Lord and to allow His Will to be accomplished in her life, we venerate and honor her today.

Despite the complications that her status as an unwed mother could have caused her, Mary accepted God's grace that enabled her to trust her Heavenly Father's love. Joseph also followed the Lord's direction and took on the responsibility of protecting and caring for this special Mother and Child. They both had faith that God would provide and guide them. Just as had been foretold, Mary treasured all these things in her heart and pondered what the future would bring.

As we begin this new year, we reflect on our own spiritual journey. Are we prepared to bring the Kingdom of God to fruition in our lives and in the lives of those we meet every day? How do we do that? It seems too great of a task to accomplish alone. How can we love and help others, even as we find ourselves struggling to care for those we find difficult to love. How can we show tolerance for them? How do we even begin to sacrifice ourselves for others when we ourselves have so many needs?

There is only one way... and it is Mary's way. We, too, must surrender our lives to God. Only by trusting Him and allowing His Spirit to guide us, can we live in the freedom that life in Him brings. Are we ready to say "Yes" as Mary did?

~ Image: "Mother of God" by Klaster Prazsjeho Jezulalla

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