Sunday, March 11, 2012

Reconcile, Renew and Convert ~ Third Sunday of Lent (B) ~ by Ronnie Archer

Third Sunday of Lent (B)

Ex 20:1-3, 7-8, 12-17
Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11
1 Cor 1:22-25
Jn 2:13-25

Most of us, as youngsters, were taught the Ten Commandments, which GOD handed down to His people through Moses. We are constantly being reminded that the Commandments summarize the behavior that GOD has commanded from His people, and how He expects us to live our lives today also.

The second line of the Exodus reading today begins with the "voice" of God, "I am the Lord, YOUR God..." He is OUR GOD... how powerful is THAT! In these days of so many temptations and distractions, it can be, at times, easy not to remember WHO IS our God... To become so distracted and caught up in our daily lives that maybe we, "unconsciously, carve out idols for ourselves"... whatever they may be. We need reminders and a consistent prayer life to be able to live as OUR GOD commands us to live.

In St. Paul's letter to Corinth, we hear that "Jews demanded signs and Greeks looked for wisdom," but WE proclaim Christ crucified, which is a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles. Christ's crucifixion was a sign of Sacrificial LOVE and STRENGTH, but to some, that appears as weakness; but to us who believe and are called, it is a sign of the endless LOVE and POWER of OUR GOD! "The foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength."

The Gospel of John today depicts the strong love of Jesus for His Father's House. He knew that activity at the temple was not what His Father wanted to go on. After Jesus' "cleansing" of the temple, the Jews wanted to know what "sign/authority" He could show for upsetting the temple as He did. He said, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." He was not speaking of the building, but of HIMSELF... the temple of His body. The disciples remembered that Jesus had said that and came to believe the Scriptures and the word Jesus had spoken.

~ Image: "Jesus Cleanses the Temple" - Priory of Our Lady of Peace
Benedictine Sisters of Turvey Abbey

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