Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Anticipation - Looking to the future ~ Second Sunday of Advent

Second Sunday of Advent (C)

Bar 5:1-9
Ps 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6
Phil 1:4-6, 8-11
Lk 3:1-6

Today's readings speak to us of hope and joy.  In Luke's Gospel, we hear the voice of John the Baptizer who is calling us to repentance for the forgiveness of sins...

John is the one of whom Isaiah says will prepare the way for the Lord.  In order to make straight the paths and fill in the valleys, one must repent and become a new person.  Then we shall see the salvation of God.

Just as John was the herald to announce Jesus' public ministry, he is also calling us to prepare for the birth of the Lord during this season of Advent.

In the first reading from the Book of Baruch, we see that the prophet is already rejoicing at the coming restoration of Israel and the end of the captivity of its people.  The reading is filled with expressions of joy at the future; words like "the splendor of glory", "wrapped in the cloak of justice from God", "mercy and justice"...  All describing the hope inherent in the human heart that God will care for those he loves, His People.  These captive people were waiting, just as we are...

In the second reading, Paul shows his obvious affection for the Christians of Phillippi as he exhorts them to greater love so that they may be "pure and blameless for the day of Christ" ... just as we wish to be as we await the birth of the Savior.

Advent is a time of waiting and preparation...  Not simply for decorating our homes and buying gifts.  Instead, we prepare our hearts so that the Babe can live in us anew...

The psalmist recognized the happiness of knowing that the captivity was ending and that the Lord was bringing his people home.  His joy echoes our own:

"The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy."  (Ps 126:3)

  St. John the Baptist - Bartolomeo Veneto, 16th Century

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