Friday, April 19, 2013

The God of the Second Chance ~ Third Sunday of Easter

Third Sunday of Easter

Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41
Ps 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13
Rev 5:11-14
Jn 21:1-19

"Cast the net over the right side of the boat and you will find something."  John the Evangelist sets the scene this week by reminding us that even though Jesus had revealed himself to the apostles after his resurrection, they were still not ready to proclaim him to the world.  Instead, the apostles went back to work.  For Peter, Thomas, Nathaniel and Zebedee's sons, that meant going fishing.

After working all night, the apostles had caught nothing and they were discouraged.  As dawn broke, they saw Jesus on the beach, tending a fire.  He called out to them and asked if they had caught anything.  "No", they replied.  So Jesus told them what they needed to do.  The apostles trusted Jesus' words... and we know what happened.  The nets filled to the breaking point, as they struggled to bring the catch ashore.  Jesus had given them a second chance.

Our God is full of surprises...  Not only had Jesus made sure that their night's work was not in vain; but he welcomed them ashore by cooking breakfast for them.  We know that wonderful things can happen when people gather to eat together, and this time was no exception.  Jesus used this appearance at the beach to show his friends that their love for him would be vitally important in carrying on his work.

Jesus questioned Peter three times as to Peter's love for him.  "Feed my lambs...feed my sheep..." was Jesus' command to Peter and the other apostles.  Only through their love and commitment to Jesus and to the Father, could the Good News be proclaimed and spread.

Peter was given three chances to change his mind about Jesus, there on the beach.  Here we are reminded once more of the three times Peter denied Jesus in the high priest's courtyard not many days before.  This time, however, there was no hesitation... no fear... and no denial.  Peter had also been given a second chance.

We are grateful for the many "second chances" we receive from our loving Father during our lives here on earth.  When we have done wrong, we believe and know that the Lord is holding out his hand to us in forgiveness.  All we need to do is to grasp it in repentance.

In thankfulness, the psalmist sang:  "I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me."  We can pray the same.

Image Source:  Galilee Sunrise by Karen Anne Graeser at CES


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