Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter Greetings from Fr. Jim! - 4.12.2020 - St. E's Easter News

Easter Greetings from Fr. Jim

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!  The Lord is Risen!!! Christ, yesterday and today, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega.  All time belongs to Him and all the ages.  To Him be glory and the power through every age and forever. Amen.  

May the Risen Lord watch over us and protect us.

We continue to pray for those who have died, the sick in hospitals and assisted living homes, and our first responders.  We are blessed to have parishioner Dr. Daniel Carey as our Secretary of Health and Human Resources; thank you for your tireless service to help all Virginians.

We thank the parishioners who are driving food to families' homes: Denise Letendre, Lisa Landry family, Dr. Kevin Connelly, Kim Ford, Frank and Marshneil Gratias, Michelle Lelievre, Mary Adingo, Chris and Bing Metzger, and our food pantry helpers: Adrien DeLoach, Ken Wall, Sylvia Fuller, Eddie Gorman and Chris Metzger, and Mary Myers, our translator and facilitator for our Congolese families.  Blessings to Sr. Tiberh and all who are involved in our Social Outreach. The Risen Lord is seen in a visible way through your selfless acts of charity.


In Memoriam:

Fr. Chester Smith

Paul Wright

Food Drive:

Drop off on April 15th between 3 p.m.- 4 p.m. at 1301 Victor St. front porch. Please check last week's article about the Food Drive.

Parishioner Corner:

~ Please pray for Harry Shaia

~ To help Nene Kizenge about to give birth to her third child, contact Anne Gibbons

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

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