Monday, May 27, 2024

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - Pentecost Sunday - May 19, 2024

 Pentecost Sunday

St Elizabeth Catholic Church

May 19, 2024



Thank you to everyone who helped with Sr. Mary Mwangi's Anniversary celebrations last week. The Mass was beautiful and the reception was wonderful.  A special thank you to those in the parish office and those on the planning committee for all of their hard work leading up to the celebration and on the day of.  On the other page of the bulletin are some photos of the event.  Thank you, Sr. Mary for your 30 years of service.

After Sunday Masses this I weekend, I am travelling to Michigan to celebrate my birthday with my family.  I won't return until after next Sunday, so Msgr. Tom Miller will be visiting to celebrate Sunday Masses.  As of right now we have not finalized a schedule for weekday Communion Services while I am away, but an email will be sent out if there is no Communion Service on a Wednesday or Friday that I am away.

Thank you for those who planned and are attending the celebration for my 35th Anniversary of Ordination.

Prayer for our country during this week leading up to Memorial Day.

Heavenly Father,

On this week leading up to Memorial Day, we ask for your peace in our country and the world around us. We think of the many around us who have fought for our country and want to thank You for protecting us.  May we not only experience peace from war but may we experience peace among our people.  Keep us from tearing each other down and sinning towards one another.

We ask that you help us as a nation to live selflessly and seek the good of others.  May we strive for peace and stand together.  Help us to live peaceably with one another.  We ask for Your hand of blessing  over our country, and for Your providence.

Help us not only to pursue earthly peace but the kind of peace that surpasses all understanding.  May we know the Peace of Christ and may it rule in each of our hearts.  Amen 

Blessings to you and yours,

Fr. Jim

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