Sunday, May 26, 2024

Fr. Jim's Jots - Mother's Day - Ascension Day - Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 12, 2024

 Seventh Sunday of Easter

Ascension Sunday

Mother's Day

May 12, 2024



Happy Mother's Day! Today is a very special day as we celebrate the blessings of all the mothers and women in our lives; but also Sr. Mary Mwangi.  Sr. Mary was born in Kenya to parents, Martin and Jane Mwangi.  She has three brothers and one sister.  In 1989, she joined the religious life at St. Joseph of Tarbes, an international missionary congregation founded in the Diocese of Tarbes in France. She went through four years of formation, made her temporary vows on March 23rd, 1993 and took her perpetual vows on May 1st, 2000.  Throughout her life, Sr. Mary Mwangi has worked in different ministries including education, leadership counseling, spiritual direction, and social outreach. Her passion is to live and to build communion in the Spirit of sisters of St. Joseph of Tarbes. Today, Sr. Mary celebrates her 30th Anniversary of Religious Profession to the Sisterhood!  Please join us in celebrating her during out Thanksgiving Mass this morning and at the reception in the Parish Hall. 

At this point most college students have finished their academic year, but in a few weeks, our grade school will as well.  If you or your child are graduating this year, please share your achievements with us so that they can be shared in the good news section of our bulletin in June. Any education levels, pre-k to graduate school, we want to celebrate you!  Please email yours or your child's information to our Office Manager Eva Wiznerowicz ( and include some photos if you wish.  Please submit all information before June 9th, for it to be included in the June 16th Bulletin.

Again, I wish a Happy Mother's Day to all the women in our lives!

"A society without mothers would be a dehumanized society, for mothers are always, even in the worst moments, witnesses of tenderness, dedication and moral strength... Dearest mothers, thank you for what you are in your family and for what you give to the Church and the world."  -  Pope Francis.

Easter Blessings to you and yours,

Fr. Jim, Pastor

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