FATHER JIM'S JOTS - St. Elizabeth Church - Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 23, 2025
St. Elizabeth Church
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 23, 2025
I would like to say a special thank you to Msgr. Tom Miller for presiding over our Sunday Masses in my absence. I am on retreat in Detroit and will return on Wednesday, February 26th. We will not have a Weekday Mass or Communion Service on that Wednesday, but we will on Friday, February 28th.
We are now less than two weeks away from Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. Lent is a 40-day season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. It's a period of preparation to celebrate the Lord's Resurrection at Easter. I encourage you to take the calendar in this bulletin and place it somewhere visible. We will have many events and programs that I encourage everyone to be a part of as we make this Lenten journey.
Many of you have received a mailing from the Catholic Diocese of Richmond inviting you to help with the Richmond Diocese Annual Appeal. If you are able to contribute to this fund, also know that we receive back more than the amount we are asked to donate. Our in-pew collection for the Annual Appeal will be on March 9th and March 16th.
The public phase of the Capital Campaign will end at the start of Lent (March 5th). If you have not yet turned in your pledge card, please so do. You can mail it to the Parish Office (1301 Victor St., Richmond, VA 23222) or place it in the collection basket on Sunday. Please make sure that the pledge card is included with your contribution for our records. All contributions no matter the amount are a blessing to our Parish and this campaign. If you are not able to make a pledge, please keep our campaign and Parish in your prayers. Thank you to everyone for all of your support, both prayers and pledges, for the success of this campaign.
Fr. Jim
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