Saturday, August 25, 2007

O Lord, Come to My Aid ~ by Vince Neylan

The prophet Jeremiah was thrown into a muddy cistern as punishment for preaching a return to God. Fortunately, one who had heard him speak was so moved that he interceded on Jeremiah’s behalf and persuaded the king to reverse his decision. Jeremiah was saved. This was certainly part of God’s plan for Jeremiah…a test, if you will.

Do we know God’s plan for each of us? Do we follow our calling? We do know that God never abandons us. He always hears our prayers. We know that God will never abandon us because through Jesus Christ we are promised the Holy Spirit.

On that first Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, the Holy Spirit came to us in the form of tongues of fire. Fire can bring warmth and light, but it can also create division between those who have different viewpoints than our own. The symbol of fire is also present at Baptism, when we receive a lighted candle symbolizing cleansing and purification--making us worthy to be called followers of Christ.

Let us strive to keep the Baptismal and Pentecostal fire burning brightly within our hearts. As we examine our own hearts, let us share the fire in our hearts—God’s love—with others.



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