Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Black Catholic Commission Report ~ July 2007 ~ by Rosemary Overton

Rosemary reported to the Black Catholic Commission about one of the sessions she recently attended at the National Black Catholic Congress.

Session Title: Keeping Our Children HIV Negative

The presenters discussed how they have used a program called "ON THE UP AND UP and THE CHILDREN WILL FLY" to help parents talk to their children about HIV/AIDS and their sexuality. It also helps the teachers and other instructors to talk to children and assist parents on how to talk with their children. The program is a bible based program for grades 3-6 but they do have advanced material for older students. The primary goal of the program is to raise awareness about ways to prevent new infection of HIV, and for our children to adopt healthy practices.

The program has been used in Catholic schools but can be used in the Public schools, recreation, churches or any place where young people meet. Parental consent must be obtained and the parents or caregivers have to participate in the program.

It was a lively discussion because many of the attendees brought up the fact it is difficult to talk with some adults and youth because of the Catholic Church's teaching on the use of condoms and abstention.

The presenter advised them that the program can be used successfully, even with the position held in regard to condoms and abstention. Some examples were given and individuals were invited to remain after the session for more assistance.

We must do everything we can to prevent HIV/AIDS, especially in the African - American communities.

Please contact Rosemary if you have any questions regarding this program.
