Wednesday, December 05, 2007

A Reflection on the Readings for the Second Sunday of Advent ~ by Cathy Woodson

Isaiah 11:1-10
Romans 15:4-9
Psalm 72
Matthew 3:1-12


The readings for the Second Sunday of Advent brings forth the reminder that the kingdom is at hand and we want to be ready. Isaiah gives us an important message about the new life that will come when a "shoot shall sprout from the stump and his roots shall blossom to give us everlasting life." He speaks of justice, being neighbors, no harm or ruin on the mountain, and the earth being filled with knowledge of the Lord. This vision is powerful and helps us reflect on keeping ourselves open to God in us. We are hopeful as we prepare and pray, Come Lord Jesus.

Paul speaks to the Romans and shares encouragement, hope, joy and peace that comes with faith and belief in God. He reminds the Romans of the instructions that had been given to glorify God. In the Gospel of Matthew, John the Baptist bathes the people with water, cleansing them and telling them to be ready when the mighty one comes. He even gives clear instruction: Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. Just proclaiming to be a child of Abraham is not good enough. We are called to live a life that shows that we believe and to live a life of preparing for the coming. We are called to bear fruit. It is not good enough just to proclaim Christianity, it must be in us.

Matthew is written with strong statements -- take heed, "produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance." This is serious, not to be taken lightly. Just as John the Baptist challenged the Pharisees and Sadducees, this season calls us to challenge ourselves in prayer and reflection.

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