Sunday, April 20, 2008

I Am The Way, The Truth And The Life ~ by Ronnie Archer

The church is still in the Easter season, rejoicing over the Resurrection.

In today's first reading, the apostles had to discern what it means to be "community." As the number of disciples grew, the Hellenists (those who spoke Greek), began to complain that their widows were being neglected in the daily distributions, as compared to those who spoke Hebrew. The apostles' essential function was to the service of the Word. They chose seven men who were accepted by their community to assist with the distribution. That enabled the apostles to continually concentrate on their prayer and the ministry of spreading the Word of God. As a result, the number of disciples in Jerusalem increased.

In the second reading, an invitation is extended to come to Jesus, the "living stone, rejected by men, but approved by and precious to God, and valuable to all who have faith."

Today's Gospel presents three basic questions asked by all human beings: "Where do we march, what should we believe, and when are we going to rest?" Where we march is the WAY. What we should believe on our journey is the TRUTH; and where we are going to rest when we meet Jesus is the LIFE.

Take Jesus Christ as your guide on the WAY. Seek Jesus Christ to help understand the journey of TRUTH. Clothe yourselves with Jesus Christ to be warm in the fullness of LIFE.

Pray for the gift of discernment, to know what is before us. We need to really understand that we have the greatest within us... the ONE who created the world.

If we build our house on Jesus Christ within... when we are troubled, we will not be shaken. Christ will "keep house" for us. We are more precious to Him than anything. He is the WAY... loving and accepting. The Cross is our bridge between earth and heaven. The TRUTH is forgiveness. If we don't have the gift to forgive, we are not living in TRUTH. His promise is eternal LIFE. Jesus is the only one to protect us. Take root in HIM and satisfy yourself and rest in peace.

~ Fifth Sunday of Easter ~



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