Sunday, July 13, 2008

"My Word Shall Not Return To Me Void" ~ by Ronnie Archer

All of God's creation is designed to work according to God's design. In our first reading of Isaiah, God says, "just as the rain and snow come down and they do not return until they have accomplished their task of watering the earth, making it fertile and fruitful, giving seed to the sower and bread to the one who eats, so shall the word that comes from His mouth... it shall not return void, but will do God's will for which it was sent."

In the second reading, Romans 8, we hear that the Israeli people at that time were suffering in the wild. They had lost the presence of God. God's word has power, but only when we receive it. Paul tells them that "the sufferings of the present time cannot be compared to the glory of God to be revealed for us."

In the Gospel of Matthew, we hear the parable of the sower and the seeds. The seed sown on the path hears the word with no understanding of it, and evil comes and takes away what was sown in the heart. The seed on rocky ground is one who hears the word, and receives it with joy, but has no root, so when trials and suffering come, he falls away. The seed among thorns is one that hears, but the cares and riches of the world choke the word, rendering it unfruitful. The seed on rich soil is the one who hears, understands it, fulfills it with the mind, heart and strength.

How do we receive the Gospel? Are we the seed that falls on bad ground, that prefers the easiest of life? Are we the seed that is really hard, like a rock, where the word cannot take root in us? Are we the seed that is worried, falling between the rocks? We all can identify ourselves in this parable. The seed in each situation is us. Which category do we fall in? Are we listening or merely hearing?

Every one of us has the gift of the holy Spirit, that we can proclaim God's word. We need to experience and live in the glory of God. We can do so when we receive the word in our life.

God waits because His word will be fulfilled in time. God's glory is beyond us and our suffering.

Let us love God with our mind, heart and strength. Cooperate with God as Mary did and say "Amen" so God's word takes flesh in us.

God bless us to receive the word in our life.

~ Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~



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