Sunday, November 23, 2008

"Whatever you do to the least of these...(or don't do). That you do also unto Me" ~ by Ronnie Archer

Today we come to the end of the Church year, celebrating the Kingship of Christ, and are reminded of our judgment.

In the Ezekiel reading, we hear that the Lord was so disappointed in the "shepherds" of Israel who were more concerned for themselves than for those who they were charged with taking care of, that He said: "I myself will look after and tend my sheep."

God will rescue them from every place where they are scattered. He will seek the lost, and bring them back. The sick, He will heal; the injured, He will bind up. The Lord takes no pleasure in the wicked's ruin, but prefers them to reform their ways; but if not, then they will reap eternal punishment.

In St. Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he reminds us that we must continually try to live our lives in a righteous manner. He speaks of the Resurrection, giving us the order that all shall be brought to life: Christ first, then those who belong to Him; and then comes the end, when Christ hands over the kingdom to His God and Father, when every sovereignty and authority and power has been destroyed.

Christ will reign until all His enemies are His footstools. The last enemy, being death. When everything is subjected to Him, then Christ Himself shall be subjected to the One who subjected everything to Him, so that God may be all in all.

In the Gospel of Matthew, we hear an account of the events that will take place..."all nations shall be assembled before Him." We, again are reminded of the many ways that God expects us to have concern and care for each other. The way that we show our love for God is how we love and care for each other.

When God created us, He meant for us to be a "family." Jesus said that "the Father and I are One." We humans have the tendency to be selfish and divide ourselves. He took great pains to come down to be a model for us. His mission was to unite us all.

Are we disappointing God? Have we been able to love and care for one another? Are we just as concerned for others as we are for ourselves and our families?

"As long as we give...we will be rich. If we have and do not give, we are the beggar."

Let us build a community for Jesus Christ. Amen!

~ Solemnity of Christ the King ~ The Last Sunday in Ordinary Time ~



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