Monday, December 14, 2009

Joy: The Christian Treasure

Gaudete Sunday ~ 3rd Sunday of Advent

The readings for this Third Sunday of Advent are filled with joyful anticipation. In the first reading, Zephaniah tells us to "Shout for joy...sing glad and exult with all your heart! The Lord has removed the judgment against you...The Lord is in your midst."

Paul in his Letter to the Phillippians continues in the same vein. "Brothers and sisters: Rejoice in the Lord always... The Lord is near."

Isaiah's words heard in the Responsorial Psalm echoes the same exultation: "Cry out with joy and gladness for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel."

The word gaudete means Rejoice! To seek joy in our lives and to give joy; to transmit our joy to others is God's command to us today. Zephaniah tells us that God's judgment against us has been lifted so we know that God has forgiven us our sins. Thus, we are to live our lives with boldness; not to be anxious but with prayer, petition and thanksgiving to make our requests known to God.

We learn even more about how to live from Luke's Gospel when the crowds ask John the Baptist "what should we do?"

We learn from the Baptist's response, that we are to do even more than what is expected of us. We are to share what we have with those who have nothing. In all things, we are to think of others and respond to their needs.

We are to do these things; not out of fear, but from love. Conversion of ourselves and conversion of others only lasts if it is based on love. This love is expressed by the joy we exhibit in our daily lives. We also discover that this joy is contagious for it flows out to everyone we come in contact with.

So rejoice in the Lord always and spread your own joy to those around you.

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