Monday, January 18, 2010

The Marriage Feast of Cana ~ by Phyllis Booth

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Isaiah Reading shows God's forgiveness and love of Jerusalem. Jerusalem will become a great nation again. The people will become God's delight and other nations will see her glory. God loves us as much or more than He loved Jerusalem. We receive His forgiveness each time we express sorrow for our sins in the Sacrament of Penance. God continues to bless us, guide us on our journey and answers our sincere prayers because He wants us to enter the Kingdom He has prepared FOR US.

In reconciling with God, we have the opportunity to continue using the Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are given to enhance our uniqueness. This was explained in the Second Reading from 1 Corinthians. Every individual has a gift from God to use for the growth of the church, the family and the global world. The Holy Spirit provides the necessary wisdom to enable US to become the special person God created.

The Church's Readings cycle places today's Gospel of John after the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan. This reading is extraordinary because Jesus uses what the Jews and others had been seeking and asking for during that time, a sign, to explain who He was. John's Gospel also gives us a picture of Jesus and his mother's relationship. The scene is a wedding.

The wine runs out and Mary tells her Son of the problem. Jesus' reply is "How does your concern affect me? My hour has not come." Mary tells the servers to do what He tells them. When the servers carry out Jesus' command, the first miracle of His ministry is performed... at a party. This act helps the Disciples to believe in Jesus. Jesus' action shows He cares for the people. He uses a very simple and impersonal thing to show the power of God.

Simple miracles take place each day in our lives: an apology, answering a call for help, visiting the sick, preparing a meal or saying I'm sorry... Such simple acts are miracles. God invites us to do small signs to let others know we believe in Him and that He cares for us. We can use our voices this week to help the Haitian Collection grow into a great miracle at next Sunday's collection.

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