Monday, January 04, 2010

Clean Our Hearts And Follow The Star ~ by Ronnie Archer

Feast of the Epiphany

Today we celebrate the manifestation of GOD for ALL people...not just a chosen few.

Greater days were in store for and coming to Jerusalem. "Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you... Nations shall walk by your light... all people will gather and come to you, proclaiming the praises of the Lord." (Isaiah 60)

In the Ephesians Reading, St. Paul celebrates the fact that Jesus Christ came to save the entire world.

Matthew's Gospel tells how overjoyed the Magi were to see and follow the star, leading them to the Infant Jesus, Savior of the World!

Every time the Good News is announced, there are three ways it should be accepted: in mind, life and heart. The Magi were overjoyed. Herod was troubled, as well as others; he felt threatened by this Baby Boy. Feeling "troubled," he began plotting evil and violence against the Christ Child. The Magi were warned in a dream not to return by the same route; so they changed their "direction" and departed for home by a different route.

Herod did not want to accept Jesus in mind or life; certainly not in his heart. When we don't accept, we become indifferent. What blocks us and keeps us from accepting is our blindness to this manifestation. One who has seen AND accepted the manifestation has an open heart and an open mind.

The Epiphany should be a life-changing experience for us; it should be a time for our conversion. We should understand the seriousness of the manifestation. God is constantly speaking to us, showing us His greatness, in many ways... every day. It is up to us to look for that STAR, accept it in our hearts and minds, and be a star to someone else, leading them to Christ.

Let's ask God to help us first to clean our hearts. It is His "residence," ...He should reside there... in a clean heart. Also, ask God to open our hearts, so we too may be overjoyed in seeing the STAR, and to accept the STAR in mind, life and heart. This will guide and enable us to be like the Magi; to "change our direction and take a different route."

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At January 8, 2010 at 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ronnie, you speak so well. God has come into you Heart.


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