Monday, April 04, 2011

Reflection on the Gospel Reading for the Fourth Sunday of Lent ~ by Phyllis Booth

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Jesus Heals the Man Blind from Birth

John 11:3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45

Lent is a season when we stop the business of our life and find a quiet place or space to devote time to really see if we are following the greatest commandment of God - "to love our neighbor as you love yourself."

In today's Gospel, we find four diverse groups that didn't see the joy and gladness the healing by Jesus brought to the man born blind. His neighbors still saw him as a beggar; the Pharisees saw only the fact that the healing took place on the Sabbath; therefore, Jesus broke the law and wasn't from God. The Jews didn't believe he was born blind and gained his sight; and even the disciples saw his blindness as a sin.

The most compassionate and merciful character in this story is the man born blind. He gave his healing to the glory of God and thought Jesus was a prophet. He didn't criticize those who questioned his healing and wouldn't believe him or his parents. The Holy Spirit helped him to hold out under the pressure he received and still believed God had a hand in what had happened.

The commandment to love others as you love yourself is a great challenge. We see so much in ourselves that we just don't love. The desire to look different, our hair, our shape, the desire for wealth, praise, popularity, attachment to possessions and pleasure - the list seems endless. This is the blind spot in our character. Why does this happen? Is it because we don't believe we are made in the image and likeness of God and that God loves us unconditionally? When we have these thoughts we need to talk to God and say, "Lord, help me to hold out and believe that You love me and help me to love others."

~ Image by Turn Back to God

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