Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Yielding a Fruitful Harvest ~ A Reflection on the Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Is 55:10-11
Ps 65:10, 11, 12-13, 14
Rom 8:18-23
Mt 13:1-23

In today's Gospel of Matthew, we hear again the parable of the sower and the seed. The people of Jesus' time could easily have identified with this farmer who scattered his seed everywhere. They would have realized what would happen if the seed landed in the road or between the rocks; even among the thorns... and they would surely have known what a plentiful harvest the farmer would have reaped if the seeds landed in rich soil, where they could sprout and grow and bear fruit.

And yet, regardless of their knowledge of the farmers' lore, they did not appear to understand what this parable meant in terms of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God that Jesus was teaching. They could not grasp that the seeds were the listeners themselves who were hearing the word that Jesus taught. That many of them would accept the word and have joy in it, but because of obstacles in their way, their faith would soon die.

But, in spite of those whose faith would not last, there were countless others who would hear the word and understand it... and would persevere. These were the faith-filled people who were sown in rich soil... who would bear fruit in a bountiful harvest.

These faith-filled ones are the people we strive to be in our own time. The Lord reminds us through the prophet Isaiah, that "my word shall not return to me void." (Is 55:11) Our faith can be nourished through God's word. That word has the power to change us. We need only to open our hearts; to say "Yes"... so that we can bear fruit.

At the harvest, the psalmist responds with joy and thankfulness as he recognizes God's providence and care for us:

"You have crowned the year with your bounty
and your paths overflow with a rich harvest."

Ps 65:12

~ The parable of the Sower by James Tissot

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