Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Great Banquet - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ by Ronnie Archer

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Is 25:6-10
Ps 23 1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6
Phil 4:12-14, 19-20
Matt 22:1-14

The Isaiah reading tells us that the Lord will provide a feast for all people, not only for the "Chosen People."

The Apostle Paul to the people of Phillipi, in our second reading, said that he knows how to live with abundance, as well as in humble circumstances. He has learned that "he can do all things in HIM who gives strength." (Phil 4:13)

In Matthew's Gospel this week, we hear the parable of the Great Banquet; how the king had invited many guests to the wedding feast of His Son. The servants summoned the invited guests to the feast, but they refused to attend.

So the second time, he sent others to inform those invited that he had prepared the banquet and everything was ready. They still refused to come. The king was angered at this so he told his servants that the feast was ready, but those who were invited were not worthy, so he sent them out onto the main roads to invite whomever they found. The servants brought in all they saw, the good and bad, and the place was filled with guests.

When the king went to greet the guests, he noticed one and asked him why was he not wearing a "wedding garment"... but the guest would not answer. The servants were told to cast him out into the darkness where there would be "wailing and grinding of teeth." (Matt 22:13)

The story of the Royal Banquet is a most beautiful story of God's love for mankind. God is inviting us, as well, to come to the "Feast." Our names are there; everything is ready for us. How do we respond? Do we ignore the invitation as those in the Gospel did?

Sometimes we might find ourselves so busy that we can forget to honor this invitation that is also offered to us.

God had chosen the people of Israel for Himself; but God IS the Creator of all people. He loves and cares for, and wants us all to come to His banquet.

We also hear in the reading that one invited guest "was not dressed in a wedding garment." (Matt 22:11) We know that we have to be righteous to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, we will have to put on OUR garment of righteousness in order to attend that Heavenly Banquet! ...or else we will have to suffer the consequences.

How will we respond to the great invitation? "many are invited, but few are chosen!" (Matt 22:14)

~ Painting: Wedding at Cana by Mattia Preti (1655)

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