Monday, November 14, 2011

Using your God-given talents wisely ~ by Ronnie Archer

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31
Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5
1 Thes 5:1-6
Mt 25:14-30

The first reading from Proverbs, tells us that the man who entrusts his heart to - and marries a woman who fits the scriptural description of an "ideal" wife, has an "unfailing prize." If a husband sincerely loves his wife, with those qualities, as Christ loved the Church, then they would be spiritual "gifts" to each other, and enjoy a marriage ordained by GOD!

St. Paul, in his letter to the Thessalonians, tells them that they are children of the light, not of the darkness; therefore the day of the Lord should not overtake them. They know they should be prepared for Jesus' return.

Last week, we heard of the virgins who forgot to bring enough oil for their lamps, for when the "bridegroom" would come. Today's Gospel from Matthew continues the message of being prepared. We heard the story about how a man, before going on his journey, called in his three servants and entrusted his possessions to them.

Those to whom he gave two and five talents, multiplied them which pleased the man, but the third servant was afraid to take the "risk" to work with his talent. Instead, he did nothing but hide it; and when the man learned that he did nothing with his talent to increase it, he took it from him, called him lazy and gave his talent to the one who had ten.

As Christians, we need to allow the Holy Spirit to lead us to work for the Lord, so we can be fruitful. God expects us to use our talents that HE gives us for the good of our community.

We all have talents, some different from others; no one of us is the same as another. Some of us take life for granted but GOD has the final word - our message is be ready, we don't know the day nor the hour when Jesus will return.

We should ask ourselves, "How have I used my talent?" We will be rewarded and gain entry into the Kingdom of God, if we use the talents that God gave us for the good of others.

~ Image from the Jesus Mafa website

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