Saturday, August 17, 2024

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - St. Elizabeth Catholic Church - Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church 

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 11, 2024



On Thursday morning, I leave to my trip to Alaska.  I will be gone until Saturday, August 24th.  I know that some parishioners and families from St. Elizabeth's and St. Mike's will be joining me, so I look forward to seeing some familiar faces during my travels.  While I am gone, Msgr. Walter Barrett will be celebrating Masses on August 18th.  Deacon Chris Barrett will be leading Communion Services on Friday, August 16th, Wednesday, August 21st and Friday, August 24th at 12 p.m. in place of the weekday Mass.

 Our Annual Jazz and Food Festival was last week.  We raised a net total of  $29,786.20.  Thank you to all who were involved to make this event happen.

The Winners of the 2024 Jazz Festival Raffle Tickets!

~ 1st Prize $1000.00 - Ms Brenda Feria - wishes to donate the $1000 back to St. Elizabeth, Parishioner of St. Michael's

~ 2nd Prize $500.00 - Mr. Dennis Altamonte - wishes to donate $100.00 back to St. Elizabeth, Parishioner of St. Michael's

~ 3rd Prize - Rev. Mr. Andrew Ferguson - wishes to donate $150.00 back to St. Elizabeth, Parishioner of St. Michael's

Total monies given back to St. Elizabeth from the raffle are $1250.00.  We wish to thank Fr. Dan Brady for letting St. Elizabeth's sell Raffle tickets at St. Mike's.  As well as a special thanks to Karen Yesolitis, Eva Wiznerowicz and several volunteers for spending the weekend of July 20th/21st at all the St. Mike's Masses to sell tickets.

A few weeks ago, I wrote on how we received $5000.00 in funds from the Diocesan Home Mission Grant.  These funds are going towards updating the bathrooms in the Parish Hall.  This work was started this past week and should be completed soon.  We will provide another update in next week's bulletin.

With concern over the possibility of increased violence in the Middle East, the USCCB is encouraging all parishes to join in the following prayer for the Peoples of the Holy Land.

"As the Jewish community observes a day of mourning this week for lives destroyed through war and persecution, we pray for an end to the war in the Holy Land, and to all war.  That all hostages may be released, that the displaced may be able to return home and that all people of faith might work together to rebuild what has been broken.  We pray to the Lord."

Blessings to you and yours,

Fr. Jim Arsenault

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