Saturday, June 29, 2024

FATHER JIM'S JOTS - St. Elizabeth Catholic Church - Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 23, 2024

St. Elizabeth Catholic Church

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 23, 2024



Last year, we as a parish celebrated the 100th anniversary of our church.  How blessed are we that St. Elizabeth Parish has been a source of faith and community for so many years.  This week our Centennial Anniversary Committee shared a message that I would like to share with all of you.

"From our kickoff celebration November 20, 2022, until November 19, 2023, we have had 12 months of activities, events and programs for all.  We are blessed!

The fiscal year for the parish ends June 30, 2024. The 'Centennial Anniversary' General ledger line items have been reviewed with our bookkeeper.  All the expenses for the centennial anniversary have been paid.  With the Centennial Anniversary Commemorative Booklet ads and sponsorships, donations and event contributions by many parishioners, we have a revenue balance of $16,355.00.  Our parish community has been very generous!  At the end of this fiscal year, June 30, 2024, this revenue will be itemized as 'Fundraiser' and become unrestricted funds.  We are blessed!  God is good!  We truly are a 'Beacon of Hope.'"

Thank you to all of those who were members of our Centennial Anniversary Committee; your hard work and planning is seen and much appreciated.  And thank you to all of our parishioners because without all of your support, we would not have been able to celebrate as we did.

I also want to highlight the special work that our Education Ministry is assisting with this summer.  This week and next week our Education Ministry is taking part in Summer School with Tusome Panoja.  They have gathered 35 children and over 60 volunteers to work with tutoring our students reading and math skills.  This year they are hosted by All Saints School.  Next week there will be a flyer in the bulletin with pictures and more information!

Thank you to all who filled out registration forms last weekend!  We have many families and individuals who are regularly attending Mass and parish activities but are not registered with the Parish.  By registering as a member, it makes it easier to receive communications with the Parish Office as well as show the growth of our parish.  You can register by filling out the form in one of the Welcome Packets by the kiosk by the front doors or you can email our office manager, Eva Wiznerowicz (, and she will help you register online.

As we get further into summer, please consider getting involved with our Jazz and Food Festival!! Starting this Sunday, the raffle tickets are on sale!  The sales of the raffle tickets help cover the different costs of the festival.  If you are interested in helping sell the raffle tickets after Mass or taking a few books with you, please let Eva Wiznerowicz ( know, and she will give you all the info you need.  To learn more ways that you can help with the Jazz Festival, please see the section in the bulletin.

Blessings to you and yours,

Fr. Jim, Pastor

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