Wednesday, June 12, 2024

FR. JIM'S JOTS - Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - June 9, 2024

 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

June 9, 2024



This Sunday you may notice something different about my vestments, the altar   and even the inside of this bulletin.  This Sunday, we pack away the white, gold and red colors of Easter, Pentecost, Corpus Christi and Trinity Sunday and we return to the greens of Ordinary Time.  This time of "wearing green" is my favorite time of the year!  The Church has 6 liturgical seasons starting with Advent, then Christmas, Lent, Triduum, Easter and Ordinary Time.

Christmas Time and Easter Time highlight the central mysteries of the Paschal Mystery, namely, the Incarnation, death on the cross, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ, and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The seasons of Advent and Lent are the times that we prepare ourselves for these important celebrations.

The Sundays and weeks of Ordinary Time, on the other hand, take us through the life of Christ.  This is the time of conversion.  This is living the life of Christ. 

Ordinary Time is a time for growth and maturation, a time in which the mystery of Christ is called to penetrate ever more deeply into history until all things are finally caught up in Christ.  This is represented by the final Sunday in Ordinary Time, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.

As we get further into summer, please consider getting involved with our Jazz and Food Festival!!  Starting this Sunday, the raffle tickets are on sale!  The sales of the raffle tickets help cover the different costs of the festival.  If you are interested in helping sell the raffle tickets after Mass or taking a few books with you, please let Eva Wiznerowicz ( know, and she will give you all the info that you will need.  To learn more ways that you can help with the Jazz Festival, please see the section in the bulletin.

Blessings to you and yours,

Fr. Jim, Pastor

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