Sunday, June 24, 2007

Summer Adult Formation ~ "Living Actions" ~ by Mary Walker

It's Thursday, June 21, 2007 (the first day of summer) and we have gathered for the last night of the 4th session of Summer Christian Formation. The setting each night seemed simple as we gathered in the church basement at 6:00 p.m. After prayer, we gathered at the table for a light meal and the chit chat of this church family. At 6:30 p.m. sharp, there it was, the click of the lights - off and on, - it was Cathy Woodson alerting us to gather in the circle.

Tonight we were blessed to have Fr. Andrew, our spiritual leader, who presented on "Living Actions." This was part of the theme for adult formation "Living Faith: Global and Local Actions."

Fr. Andrew started by discussing the cultural perspective in India where Christianity is one of several major religions in his country and the role of Catholicism there. He talked about how God is ever present, working in us and through us as we live our faith. He acknowledged that no one knows better than those of us at St. Elizabeth's about living faith, based on our faith journey over the past 10 months.

As we continued, various points of discussion were held, such as how do we as a faith community learn to reach out by contributing to Global ministries such as Haiti. We talked about the importance of love, humbleness, and the recognition of ourselves as sinners, no greater than anyone else. Further, Fr. Andrew spoke of faith and belief as foundations for each of us.

Other components of the session led us into discussions about evangelization, the need to reach out to others; helping other parishioners to come forth to use their time and talents; being agents to help those who may be set in their ways, to change; and finally, what is the impact of liturgy. What is it that each of us bring to and take away from liturgy. The session was stimulating and thought provoking.

In closing, these sessions gave me a renewed spirit, a sense of peace and calmness. My thanks to all who planned, presented and participated.

P.S. Even people like me who are computer illiterate can sign onto the Blog. Thanks, Mary Ann.



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