Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Our Christmas Vigil ~ 2007 ~ by Ronnie Archer

Our Christmas Vigil began at 5:30 p.m. with beautiful performances by some of our children. TreShawn McCall, Stanley Lamb, Israel Murray all recited poems.

Tri Glover played O COME, EMMANUEL and HARK THE HERALD on the guitar. Robert Fitzgerald did a selection called GREENSLEEVES on the flute.

Four-year-old Lyric Weston sang SILENT NIGHT, accompanied by her godmother, Diane Neylan on piano, and her grandfather, Larry Williford, singing along with her.

Three-year-old DeShawn Goodwyn sang JOY TO THE WORLD, and Gabriel McDonough did a selection on his saxophone. We have great talent in our parish! The children's performances were enjoyed by all.

After the processional to the altar, the Nativity figures were brought in and placed in the manger. The Baby Jesus, by DeShawn Goodwyn; Mary and Joseph by Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth (Althea) Williams. Nat and Woody Kaine were the candle bearers, accompanying them up the aisle.

The readings were proclaimed by Katrinia Murray and Cathy Woodson, and the responsorial psalm was sung by Diane Neylan.


On this vigil of Christmas, the church calls us to reflect on the fullness of the covenant. Nobody ever thought that God would be born in human form. It was a real surprise for GOD to be born a MAN. It is beyond our imagination. He loved us so much that He came to share that love WITH us in human form; and by His birth, He elevated all of us.

Christ should be born in us, as we are called to establish His Kingdom on the Earth. We have as our mission from birth, to save, to care, to forgive, and to love. We should give Him the same Joy that He gave us by sharing that Joy with others.


After Mass, everyone was invited downstairs to the hall to celebrate our Jesus' birth; complete with a birthday cake, as well as cookies and other desserts. We all sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and we left with SOMETHING TO REALLY THINK ABOUT: the fact that GOD BECAME A MAN FOR OUR SAKES!



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