Monday, February 25, 2008

Lenten Faith Formation ~ The Woman at the Well

Patrice Schwermer led us into a fuller appreciation of the Sunday readings by asking us what struck us the most as we were reading the Exodus and Gospel readings. There were many interesting passages that were selected and explained by members of the group.

Patrice asked that we try to discern how we could apply the readings in light of a possible Haitian ministry at St. Elizabeth's. We had spoken some months ago about a possible twinning connection between St. Elizabeth Church and a group in Haiti and this formation period was a continuation of that discernment.

Patrice began by noting that both readings had THIRST as their theme. In the Exodus reading, thirst led the Israelites to the water. At God's direction, Moses struck the rock with his rod and water began to flow. In the Gospel reading, Jesus comes to the well in search of water to drink. Thus, thirst led both Jesus and the Samaritan woman to the well.

We can appreciate this thirst because we also thirst for God in our lives. We come to realize that God also wants us; He thirsts for us...

Since our recent experience of not knowing what would happen to us as a parish family after our sanctuary ceiling crashed to the floor and we received help from all over the country, from old friends and new, to have our beloved sanctuary returned to us, many of us have felt the need to give back... We are looking for a way to quench our thirst...

Through Patrice, our group learned of a small orphanage for the deaf in Haiti that would be a perfect fit for our parish. This orphanage seems an ideal twinning relationship for us. It was agreed that Patrice will present a proposal at the March pastoral council meeting, suggesting that we as a parish community take on this relationship.

NEXT ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Sunday, March 9, 2008 ~ immediately after Sunday Liturgy.

Reflections on our Baptism promises... What do they mean and how do I respond?

Lent is a season of conversion, scrutinizing and recognizing what we need to strengthen in our lives. This session will review the Baptism vows we hear and respond to on Holy Saturday. It will lead us into a reflection on our understanding of the promises and how we live our promises.

~ Christ and Woman of Samaria by Paolo Veronese
~ Art from
Free Christ Images



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