Wednesday, July 23, 2008

God Waits Patiently for His People ~ by Lula Lamb

The Gospel story uses a parable that tells us much about the justice and mercy of God. The wheat are those who believe and understand how the Kingdom grows; the weeds are those who do not believe. So Jesus tells the parable of the weeds in the wheat field. The Sower (Jesus) allows both the wheat (those who work for God's Kingdom) and the weeds (those who work against God's Kingdom) to grow together until the harvest (the end of Time).

During the growing season, the slaves had been asleep and allowed the enemy's weeds to grow in with the wheat. When the slaves discovered what had happened, they wanted to jump right in and clean the mess up, but destroying the weeds before the end of the season might ruin the wheat as well.

God is unwilling to sacrifice the good in order to punish the wicked. God has the patience needed for every sinner to come back to the fold. Judgement belongs only to God. God truly is a just judge. He sees and knows all; and He judges us according to our deeds.

We must never sleep on the Scriptures, but always be awake and keep an open mind. Grace is what will save us. God is with us always and the Spirit within you will speak to God. The Spirit knows God so we should never lose the courage to read the Scriptures.

Never be too busy to prepare for Christ; otherwise, you might miss Him. One cannot be a car just by going in the garage; nor can one be a Christian by just going to church. We know weeds are present in our world, but the wheat is also growing and will prosper in the end. The grace of Christ will triumph over sin and evil. Remember, if you can make time for email; you can make time for the Scriptures!

~ Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time ~



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