Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008 ~ We Gather to Give Thanks

Our Gospel reading for Thanksgiving relates the story of ten lepers who raised their voices to beg Jesus to have pity on them. In those days lepers were stigmatized and had to stay at a distance from the people. They could not even look directly at them but had to cast their eyes downward even when speaking.

When Jesus saw them, he didn't tell them they were cured. Instead, he ordered them to show themselves to the priests, which was the law for anyone who believed they were cured of leprosy. These lepers didn't hesitate. They trusted in the words of Jesus and they were soon rewarded for their faith.

On their way to the priests, one of the lepers suddenly realized he was cured and he returned to thank Jesus for this life-changing miracle. "Your faith has saved you," Jesus said.

The grateful leper shows us how we too must thank God for all He has done for us. We pray and believe that God will willingly "cure" us; whether we need forgiveness for our sins, deliverance from a painful situation or healing for our bodies. God always meets our needs, though His "miracles" often occur in surprising and unexpected ways; in ways we could never have anticipated.

As we gather together for our Thanksgiving meal, we realize how much God has done for us. We are grateful for all we are and all we can become as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus. For our families and our friends; all those we love... we give thanks.

~ Picture by James Christenson ~



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