Monday, February 01, 2010

Gospel Reflection on a Snowy Sunday ~ by M.A. Allen

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Heavy snow caused cancellation of our Sunday Mass today; but most of us parishioners no doubt read the readings of the day anyway. This passage touched my heart...

"But Jesus passed through the midst of them and went away."

Jesus had a remarkable escape from death in this incident recorded by Luke, especially since the Gospel began on such a promising note. After Jesus stated that scripture had been fulfilled in their hearing, the people "all spoke highly of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth."

But then, something happened! In an instant, the atmosphere changed as the people of Nazareth began to question Jesus' words because of who he was. Wasn't he only the son of Joseph? How could he be the fulfillment of any prophecy?

Jesus recognized their hypocrisy and reminded the people that prophets were never accepted in their own hometown. The gracious words with which he had captivated the people of Nazareth were gone as he enumerated the stories of Old Testament prophets who had helped strangers rather than their own people because their own refused to believe in them.

When Jesus accused the people of Nazareth of the same unbelief, the people became so infuriated that they decided to kill him.

Can you just picture this mob of people dragging Jesus out of the town to the top of a hill, ready to throw him over the cliff?

But in that moment, something wonderful happened. Somehow (we know it was God's grace at work), in the confusion of an unruly and distracted crowd, their attention was diverted. And Jesus walked away untouched to safety.

It was not yet Jesus' time to die. This incident took place at the beginning of Jesus' ministry so we know he still had much to do and to teach before he began his final journey to Jerusalem to fulfill his destiny.

As we pray in today's Psalm 71: "O my God, rescue me from the hand of the wicked." We know his Heavenly Father did that very thing!

Art by Deborah A. Reeder
Holy Bible Sketch

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