Sunday, July 27, 2008

What is the Kingdom of Heaven? ~ by Ronnie Archer

The readings today remind us of what we are looking for. What we dream is what we are looking for.

Appearing to Solomon in a dream, the Lord invites him to "ask HIM for something, and it would be granted." Because Solomon did not ask for wealth, or longevity for himself, but for wisdom and an understanding heart, so that he could best serve God's people, God gave him even more. He was given wisdom and understanding such as has never been equaled. Solomon had been blessed to help the people of his time. It pleases God when we humble ourselves and ask for His help to serve each other.

In the second reading of Romans, we hear that "ALL things work together for the good of those who love God." and "who are called according to His purpose." And "those He foreknew, He predestined; those He predestined, He also called; those called, also are justified and glorified." All things work together for good; not just nice, pleasant things, but all things. God is God alone and He IS in control of this world, so that for those that really love God, and are called according to His purpose, not ours, He makes the trials of our lives, as well, work for the good.

Today's Gospel of Matthew gives more parables about the Kingdom of God. We all have a desire to find the Kingdom, but have we given up "other" desires to obtain it. First, there is the person who finds the buried treasure in the field, and out of joy, goes and sells all that he has and buys the field. Then the parable about a merchant searching for fine pearls; he sells all he owns and buys it, and the third parable compares the kingdom to a net thrown into the sea, catching all kinds of fish, hauling it to shore and what is good being separated from what is bad.

Are we "buying and selling all we have" for the wrong reasons? Are we coming to church to meet Christ? If not, then we're coming for the wrong reasons. Do we understand all of these things? If we don't, then we cannot put it into practice. The Kingdom of heaven is right here on earth. If we don't achieve it here, we won't achieve it. By helping others, we find joy...that is the Kingdom of heaven!

All are called, justified and glorified.

~ Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~



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