Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Morning

This morning around 8 a.m., a fine group of St. E's parish members arrived at Fifth Street Baptist Church Hall to help prepare and serve a Christmas Breakfast for a group of about 30 men who had been staying in their spacious auditorium for the holidays through the Caritas program. It was good to be there with them.

The St. E's group was led by Lucy Thompson who, working with a group from Fifth Street Baptist, had gathered us together to be part of this event. Our group consisted of men, women and young people and we were all eager to be of service this Christmas morning. We scrambled eggs; we chopped, diced and mixed the ingredients for salmon cakes; we fixed coffee and poured orange juice. We stirred the grits and served them; we fixed potatoes and delicious sausages with peppers and onions. The big country biscuits and the grits were popular with everyone and several men returned for seconds. It was heartwarming to be able to serve folks less fortunate than we are on this most festive and beautiful holy day. It was good to be there.

For those St. E's folks who were unable to be there in person this morning but wanted to; or sent along foods or funds to help out, I will tell you that there will surely be other opportunities like this one. I bet that when our folks drove home this morning they felt very grateful for what they have been given; and for what they gave of themselves today.
And our God looked down at our gift and saw that it was good.



At December 31, 2006 at 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that I could not attend@ this time


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