Monday, January 29, 2007

Where Two or Three Are Gathered in My Name...

Fr. Andrew gave us some words to ponder yesterday. He reminded us that one emphasis of Vatican II was to encourage the formation of small groups within the larger parish. These smaller groups would make possible a closeness among the participants who gathered together for prayer or the sharing of scripture insights.

He also reminded us that we were already that "smaller group." That if our God wants us to remain together as a parish, he will see to it that we do; despite our concerns about finances and the cost to repair of our church building.

I am also reminded that several weeks ago, Fr. Andrew related an incident where a pastor of a large church asked him why we would even bother to fix the church. That with such a small congregation, why didn't we just disband and join other parishes. Fr. Andrew asked the pastor how many of his church members actually showed up for Mass. Obviously, the percentage of actual churchgoers in that large parish was not near the number of actual church members. At that, Andrew replied that ALL of his parishioners came to Mass! I had to chuckle about that when he said it; and I have thought about it more than once since.

And don't you know, we've known and have cared about each other for many a year; and we come together to celebrate our God with joyous song. Which reminds me: from my vantage point with the choir, I have noticed that people are singing out as never before, along with the choir. And this is so even with no hymnbooks! It is so encouraging to see the congregation singing also.



At January 30, 2007 at 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mary Ann, for "informing" me through the BLOG, something about this past Sunday was about at church. It has been a long time since I missed a Sunday at St. Elizabeth. I decided to join my granddaughter, Chelsey, along with her family, at St. Paul Baptist...I enjoyed being with them, as well as the sermon, which was entitled, "I Am Counting On the Lord"...BUT it wasn't MY church family...Thanks, again, GOD willing, I'll be there this coming Sunday.

At January 30, 2007 at 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgot to add my name to my comments above!....Ronnie Gray Archer


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