Saturday, March 03, 2007

Holy Thursday: Footwashing and Discipleship

Here is a grand opportunity to serve the church during Holy Week. Twelve volunteers are needed for the footwashing rite on Holy Thursday. This year these volunteers will actually represent the twelve Apostles whose feet Jesus washed. Each volunteer will be given the name and a card describing the attributes of one of the Apostles and will be considered our role models for the next year. Judas is not included but will be replaced by Matthias, who was elected to take the place of Judas after the Resurrection.

The role of the volunteers will not end with the footwashing. This year they will have several other duties to perform during the Holy Week services. For instance, someone will be assigned to carry the Paschal Candle; someone can assist with baptisms; one or more will help fill and distribute the holy water bottles; others will help with the oils; someone will wipe the crucifix on Good Friday, and more.

A volunteer can be any parish member from teenage to adult to older parishioner. Fr. Andrew and the Liturgy Committee are asking that we not be shy in volunteering for this service to the church. Each "apostle" will be instructed in exactly what their duties will be and how their participation will enhance our Holy Week experience. If you have any questions, they will be addressed.

Please step up to the plate and add your name to the signup sheet and become one of the Twelve Apostles of St. E's!

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