FATHER JIM'S JOTS - St. Elizabeth Church - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - February 9, 2025
St. Elizabeth Church
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 9, 2025
The Funeral Mass for our Sister in Christ, Marie Masse, is scheduled for this Saturday. The Visitation will be from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and the Mass will start at 11 a.m. All are welcome. Marie was an active member of St. Elizabeth for several years and a member of our Gospel Choir. Her daughter is Anna Cave, with her husband Chris and two children, Lukas and Harper. If your schedule permits, please attend this celebration of life. Marie will be deeply missed. May she rest in peace.
This weekend, a group of 12 youth from our Parish are attending the Diocesan Youth Conference in Downtown Richmond. Please pray for them and their chaperones as they make new friends and learn about Christ and His Church.
I would like to say a big thank you to the AOH (Ancient Order of Hibernians), an active group in Richmond of folks who are Irish. I am the chaplain for both the Men's and Women's groups in Richmond. Please enjoy the breakfast they are providing this Sunday in the Parish Hall.
We also welcome our local chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta Chapter, which includes the parishes of Holy Rosary, St. Bridget and St. Elizabeth. We are pleased to be a part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and are looking for more parishioners to assist in this important ministry. For more information or if you are interested in joining, please see Sr. Anns James (anns@stelizcc.org).
The public phase of the Capital Campaign will end at the start of Lent (March 5th). If you have not yet turned in your pledge card, please so do. You can mail it to the Parish Office (1301 Victor St. Richmond VA 23222) or place it in the collection basket on Sunday. Please make sure that the pledge card is included with your contribution for our records. All contributions no matter the amount are a blessing to our Parish and this campaign. If you cannot make a pledge, please keep our campaign and Parish in your prayers. Thank you to everyone for all of your support, both prayers and pledges, for the success of this campaign.
If you are a federal employee and need help or have questions about your employment status, please contact Senator Tim Kaine at harmonica@kaine.senate.gov.
Fr. Jim, Pastor